IBM Global Qiskit Summer School 2021

In July this year, IBM organized their already traditional Qiskit Summer School, and I was lucky enough to be able to register and follow.

Qiskit is a programming framework for coding quantum algorithms on IBM quantum computers. It is developed and maintained not only by IBM developers, but also a large community of external developers and Qiskit Advocates (to which I also belong). Qiskit summer school this year (GQSS21) was focused on quantum machine learning, a very exciting field at the intersection between quantum computing and machine learning. During two weeks, we learned about topics like:

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AI Graduate Certificate

Finally I completed AI Graduate Certificate program at Stanford University and obtained this pretigious certificate in artificial intelligence. It was quite intensive and difficult, and several times I considered giving up. My math skills were quite rusty, I didn’t have enough time taking into account my full-time work and family obligations, but in the end I’ve managed it!

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Gender Equality

I was reading this report from IBM Institute for Business value titled ‘Women, Leadership and the Priority Paradox‘ and it just came to my mind : how obvious and commonsensical this actually is.

Everybody should agree that intelligence is equally distributed among two genders. At least all of us could see that in the primary and secondary schools, where boys and girls are both able to understand math, learn languages, science and arts. Still, later in life, in the western and most of modern societies, men have more power and money and women less of it. Maybe you would say : “Men earn money to bring home and women decide how to spend it”. But who decides within these companies and governments how to spend money ? Following the same logic, then shouldn’t it be the women ?

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Blockchain for Trade Finance

I was invited recently to take part in Blockchain Finance conference in Singapore as a panelist in a panel discussion about the use of blockchain for trade finance applications. I find this subject very interesting for many reasons that I will try to elaborate in this post. First I will just explain the main purpose and challenges of trade finance, and then what the benefit of blockchain in this particular field can be.

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