ChinaIT Series – Market and Opportunity Analyses

I’m discovering a real gem – Chinese IT market with a lot of busines potential, for collaboration, partnership, outsoucing, export and import, and business development.

Chinesse IT market is currently 2nd largest in the world, and is growing fast. In the contry there are 2 million registered web sites, 5 millions IT professionals. Yearly IT spending is $200B and is growing $30B per year. What is also important, China is moving the ship towards higher value adding activities and innovation, so I believe there is quite a lot to learn from this new IT power.

Maybe selling their products in the West currently looks overwhelming and risky for these businesses, but I believe it’s just the matter of time when we’ll have them more present in Europe and Switzerland, as it is already the case with Japanese corporations like Fujitsu, Hitachi and NTT.

I’m opening a new series of blog posts that I will call ChinaIT, and in which I will do deeper business analysis of some big established players, but also small innovative startups from different technology domains.

Sasha Lazarevic, 2014